


© 2024 LC Packaging

Our contribution to a world without waste

Sustainability Update 2024

Issue 7 | May 2024

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from the CEO

“In this challenging external environment, including increased emerging disruptions, our purpose ‘contribute to a world without waste’ is more relevant than ever.”

Progress on

our goals

As part of our 2030 Ambition strategy, we have set ourselves three ambitious goals that we aim to achieve no later than 2030. Read more on the actions we took, the progress we have made, and the next steps we will take towards achieving these goals.

Living wage

42.7% of key production partners’ employees earn at least a living wage

Circular economy

23% of our turnover comes from packaging that delivers the circular economy

Climate action

20.6% greenhouse gas emissions reduction from our value chain

2023 Sustainability Report

Read more on our company’s social and environmental sustainability results in our social and environmental reports.

Our social and environmental ambitions are summarised in our sustainability strategy.

Our 2030 Ambition

For the fourth consecutive year, our efforts have been rewarded with the highest rating.

EcoVadis Platinum Rating 2024

Business case for sustainable packaging

There is a valid business case for sustainable packaging. In the long run, it is even the lowest cost solution. Here are 8 arguments that prove my point.

SDG Contribution

We contribute directly to 4 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Indirectly, we touch upon 15 out of 17 SDGs. 




© 2024 LC Packaging

Living wage

42.7% of key production partners’ employees earn at least a living wage

Circular economy

23% of our turnover comes from packaging that delivers the circular economy

Climate action

20.6% greenhouse gas emissions reduction from our value chain

Our contribution to a world without waste

Sustainability Update 2024

Issue 7 | May 2024

from the CEO

“In this challenging external environment, including increased emerging disruptions, our purpose ‘contribute to a world without waste’ is more relevant than ever.”

Progress on

our goals

As part of our 2030 Ambition strategy, we have set ourselves three ambitious goals that we aim to achieve no later than 2030. Read more on the actions we took, the progress we have made, and the next steps we will take towards achieving these goals.

2023 Sustainability Report

Read more on our company’s social and environmental sustainability results in our social and environmental reports.

Our social and environmental ambitions are summarised in our sustainability strategy.

Our 2030 Ambition

For the fourth consecutive year, our efforts have been rewarded with the highest rating.

EcoVadis Platinum Rating 2024

Business case for sustainable packaging

There is a valid business case for sustainable packaging. In the long run, it is even the lowest cost solution. Here are 8 arguments that prove my point.

SDG Contribution

We contribute directly to 4 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Indirectly, we touch upon 15 out of 17 SDGs.